Inspecting laterals is key to finding sewer cross bores, identifying blockages and investigating illicit flows. And lateral lines often make up half of the total length of a sewer system, according to the EPA. Still, many municipalities fail to inspect them on a regular basis. Ready to start thinking about your lateral lines, but unsure where to start? These resources can help put you on the right path:

Why Cities Shouldn't Overlook Lateral Inspections
Neglecting laterals has such a major impact on the entire collection system that it can negate many of the benefits of mains improvement. This blog digs down into why many communities still overlook lateral inspection and maintenance, and what you should consider when allocating resources for lateral assessment.
Smooth Transitions: A Spotlight on Lancaster Area Sewer Authority
Unlike many municipalities, Lancaster Area Sewer Authority (LASA) owns rights-of-way to the laterals in its system. This profile explores how it is successfully managing approximately 30,000 connections, which extend an average of 20 feet, with equipment that offers better technology, user-friendly design and improved uptime.
Digging Deep: The Growing Market for Cross Bore Inspection Services
Millions of dollars are being invested into mitigating cross bore risks for gas companies, and these lateral assessment projects can be low-hanging fruit for sewer inspection contractors looking to expand their business. This white paper reviews the market for cross bore location services and reveals strategies Envirosight customers have used to achieve success.
CES Brings Accuracy and Skill to Cross Bore Inspection
In 2015 CES, a Louisiana-based contractor, added a new service locating cross bores for natural gas companies. Learn how this capability has led the company to play a pivotal role in ensuring safe, high-quality infrastructure in communities across the region.
Sewer Exfiltration: The Leaking Enemy
Laterals don’t just impact inflow and infiltration; exfiltration from laterals is a big problem facing water and wastewater infrastructure, too. Because laterals are the shallowest part of a sewer system and typically have the poorest construction, the EPA recommends they be part of a comprehensive assessment plan.
Why a Sewer Scope Inspection Is Essential for Homebuyers
Before purchasing a new home, prospective homeowners should have a wastewater professional conduct an inspection with a pipe assessment camera to determine the condition of the home's sewer system and lateral. We shared some insights about lateral care with tech-powered real estate brokerage Redfin.
Envirosight’s ROVVER X SAT II lateral launch crawler is the ideal tool for locating potentially deadly gas line cross-bores and performing lateral inspections. Built to withstand harsh conditions, ROVVER X SAT II climbs over obstacles and traverses tricky terrain with ease. Request a free demo to see ROVVER X SAT II for yourself.