Though California’s most recent drought may have officially ended in early March, that doesn’t mean the City of Angels is out of the woods. Currently, Los Angeles relies on a variety of sources for its potable water needs. Thirty-six percent of its supply comes from the Owens River, Mono Lake Basin and the Sierra Nevada Mountains via the Los Angeles Aqueduct. Another 52% of the city’s water comes from the Colorado River. Approximately 11% of the city’s water comes from groundwater. The remaining portion of the city’s supply, about 2%, comes from recycled water. But a new resolution from Mayor Eric Garcetti’s administration intends to change that: They’ve vowed to recycle all of the city’s wastewater by 2035.
But the city will require some convincing. In 2001, LA residents killed a plan to use treated wastewater to recharge the San Fernando Valley aquifer. Policy-makers hope that evolving attitudes and the worst drought the state has seen in decades may change residents’ minds. As it stands, the city dumps about 190 million gallons of treated wastewater per day into the Santa Monica bay. Using that water to recharge local aquifers helps to protect the city against further droughts and works towards supporting the goals of the state’s water plan. As noted in its 2013 California Water Plan Update, “A number of groundwater basins in California have experienced alarming declines in groundwater levels, degradation in water quality, irreversible land subsidence, decreases in base-flow contribution to surface water systems, and subsequent loss of vital ecosystem services.” Though the San Fernando Valley aquifer is currently at safe levels, it has not always been so and may not remain that way.
This initiative will have an impact reaching beyond the city limits as well. As the second-largest city in the United States, LA’s decision to implement an environmentally-conscious water policy like this will help to redefine the way people think about water and wastewater. It will also encourage policy-makers in other cities to reconsider recycled water as a safe, reliable water source for their community.
Treatment Plant Image Courtesy of Doc Searls via Flickr (CC BY 2.0), Beach Image Courtesy of Sergei Gussev via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)