For those who spend time in and around sewers, there is an increased risk of infection and disease from biohazard exposure. Wastewater and its treatment can generate aerosols containing microbiological and chemical constituents. Wastewater workers run the risk of exposure to both waterborne and airborne disease organisms. As a result, they can easily and unknowingly interact with biohazards through inhalation and skin contact.
Wastewater employees need to understand the potential dangers that lie underground and take extra care to limit their exposure. Some hazards that workers can be exposed to include
Every sewer worker should take some crucial steps to protect their own health and the health of those around them.
Get Vaccinated. The Center for Disease Control recommends getting vaccinated against these various diseases if you work near sewers:
This list is not exhaustive. Other parasites found in sewers include salmonella, yersiniosis, encephalitis and many more. Most of these illnesses can be treated, but care often requires hospitalization and antibiotics. Polio has no treatment. Getting vaccinated helps you and those around you avoid painful and potential deadly illness, and it’s recommended that sewer workers discuss their options with a licensed medical practitioner.
Wear Personal Protective Equipment. Wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) is a proactive way to guard against any harmful biohazards a sewer worker may come into contact with. The most significant step a wastewater worker can take towards protecting their health is to use adequate PPE. The better your PPE, the less likely you are to contract a disease or infection from sewage. Recommended items for working around sewers are
While this equipment helps protect sewer workers from exposure to biohazards, it can only be effective when used properly and consistently.
Clean Your Equipment. It is important to make sure the sewer equipment that’s used every day is kept clean and sanitary. This can be done by
Protect Your Family. The last thing anyone wants is for the people they love to get sick. To prevent that, shower and disinfect yourself before returning home, and never take your work clothes or shoes into the house. Those items can easily be cleaned on-site or laundered professionally to keep work contaminants far away from the home.
At the end of the day, there is a simple list of do’s and don’ts that can keep you safe and healthy. Make sure to
And don’t
Want to learn more about health and hygiene best practices? Request Envirosight’s Health and Hygiene Poster. This poster outlines how you can protect yourself and your crew, illustrating necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), cleaning supplies and best practices, and recommended vaccinations. Hang it in your crew room or truck to remind your team how to stay healthy by taking basic precautions against serious threats. Request your free copy today: