Innovations in Pipe Inspection Technology

Lights, Camera, Action!

Written by Katie Breeden | Oct 23, 2018

There’s a reason why movie directors call the signature "lights, camera, action!” in that order. Without appropriate lighting, even a powerful camera will have trouble picking up the action. This rule applies to sewer inspection cameras too. The camera will only be as effective as its lighting system once deployed within underground pipelines. Envirosight’s powerful ROVVER X camera comes with zoom capabilities and 40 built-in, dimmable LED lights. The rear camera, specifically placed to assist with backing up, is also equipped with twin tri-LED lights. To further improve visibility, the rear camera is situated above the cable, so your view remains unobscured.

Lighting should be determined for each job and depend on the inspection environment. Some pipelines will require more light than others, and the hour at which you’re inspecting may also play a role in deciding how much light will be necessary. For instances where more light is needed, the ROVVER X can be enhanced with an auxiliary lamp that adds four more tri-LED lamps to the crawler. Together, the built-in LEDs and aux lights are able to illuminate even the darkest of crevices within pipelines, providing you with exceptional inspection visuals.

Interested? Get an on-site demo of the ROVVER X crawler inspection system: