Innovations in Pipe Inspection Technology

Free Infographic: Digital Sewer Inspection Workflows

Written by Envirosight | Aug 24, 2021

Envirosight’s latest infographic depicts key steps in digital workflows for wastewater inspection. Municipalities and contractors can use it to help identify weaknesses in their current flow and understand how digital solutions can increase efficiency across the board.

From identifying problem areas and building work orders to coding and analysis of inspection data, digital inspection workflows streamline every aspect of the sewer inspection process. They accelerate the flow of information from one party to the next, while allowing for careful control of access to sensitive data. Digital ecosystems also provide valuable communication channels and ensure everyone has the most up-to-date information and plans.

Whether your team is already using certain aspects of digital inspection workflows or relies entirely on paper and pencil project management, this free infographic can help you  improve your inspection and maintenance processes. Download Envirosight’s free infographic on digital inspection workflows to learn more: